Dictatorship Regime Shifts Over To Technology

Khan Mubeen
2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Folks all over the globe looking for more factual information than ever before.

Although it's quite surprising, since after the Covid-19 pandemic blanketed the world, people are seemingly more enthusiastic of :
What is going to happen next?

Perhaps, I've discussed in my blogs often that we as human beings tend to know future events.

The point where technology is swiftly integrating into our social circles and transforming lives, then the level of insecurity also fluctuates beyond its optimum.

Hence, the question is Are we going to be part of the new World order?

On the other hand, pandemic also brought crucial insights and some classified information which reveals significant features of how people are being dictated over the last decades.

The uncertain face and fluctuated credibility among politicians whether it's Democrats or Republic have now been revealed.

People are getting more aware of whom they can trust. but if you consider the upstream of technology, the surge in the field of technology also shifts the future dependency from the government to Man-made robots.

Indeed, today we discuss Big-data and data influencing the lives of people.

As of today, Big giants, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple are way ahead of us. They vividly leading the world dynamically.

Perhaps, Various Analysts and economists, now predicting the shift of power over to Tech giants because they hold your data.

Verily, there is a good site as well, which-revolutionizes Healthcare, retail, and other Industries at such a large scale.

Furthermore, machines can predict anything except the time of death.

Just have a look over Amazon, a Giant Ecommerce-Store, using Big-data analysis to anticipate our interests and hobbies.

Even, Amazon can anticipate when a woman is pregnant.

All these swift changes seem fascinating but it's downstream is beyond our thought process.

Having a closer look, we are being manipulated through our choices and desires which hooked us to what we want.

In simple words, the history of Slavery once again ignites to portray another transformation.

Instead, living in the most modern societies, we are more inclined towards temporary satisfaction, and folks who do care about it, prefer not to be a part of this tricky tech-world.

Means–those people rely on religions and spirituality for prolonging satisfaction and calmness.

Last but not least, we should listen more and be alert to what comes next whether on Facebook or through Amazon.

Verily, Humanious Free will is on the verge of complete depletion.

Composed :

Mubeen khan

Creative & Academic Content Writer, Researcher, Blogger, Digital Marketer.





Khan Mubeen

Nerd copywriter & Researcher "I align an intricate relation among biology, psychology and technology through words"📌